Staff member completes her qualification

Our Adult courses are not just for students, but for our staff as well.

We would like to extend our congratulations to Cordelia Spreadbough, Learning Resource Advisor,who has successfully completed NCFE Level 2 Cert in Counselling Skills 2 months before her completion date.

This was on our distance learning programme, where Cordelia was able to put aside some time in her busy home and work life to complete the course online and gain recognised qualification.

We are very pleased for Cordelia, and we hope the course met her expectations!

Cordelia “i enjoyed it and have used some of the techniques in my homelife, with my daughter who is due her first baby this month.”

Barbara would like to add “this is an excellent example of a staff member taking up a part time distance learning course that is not only going to support them in their work role, but we can show how it has already made an impact on Cordelia’s personal life whilst supporting her daughter who is due to have a baby this month.  Good luck to mum and baby and of course grandma!!


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