Equality & Diversity
A Fairer, Equal College: Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality and Inclusion
Stanmore College continues to work towards addressing prejudice and tackling inequality. We are committed to creating a fully inclusive environment where students, staff and stakeholders are protected from any form of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation. We are passionate about ensuring equality of opportunity for everyone, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and protected groups.
We continue to work hard through our EDI group to ensure that our students see themselves and their cultures reflected in the curriculum. We look closely at unexplained gaps in attainment to enable us to put actions in place to support our community.
We also work closely with the Students’ Union, staff, stakeholders, and the Board of Governors to ensure that their voice is heard and that we use our resources and our voice effectively to support racial equality and eradicate intolerance and prejudice.
Please find below our Single Equality Scheme. Equality of opportunity is promoted throughout the College and actions such as ‘Respect’ campaigns are undertaken in addition to the celebration of a diverse range of dates and events each year (see Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Calendar).
Click here to view an Annual Diversity Calendar
We actively communicate the importance of giving and gaining respect amongst colleagues and students to create better understanding and more inclusion.